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One of the powerful features of Orion is Hooks. It allows you to tap into the flow inside a particular (or multiple) endpoints without the need to override a method itself.

Here is a common use case: imagine you have an API controller for blog posts and whenever a blog post is created, it needs to be associated with the currently authenticated user. To accomplish that, simply add beforeSave hook and associate user with the post:


namespace App\Http\Controllers\Api;

use App\Models\Post;
use Orion\Http\Requests\Request;
use Orion\Http\Controllers\Controller;

class PostsController extends Controller
     * @var string|null $model
    protected $model = Post::class;

     * @param Request $request
     * @param Post $post
    protected function beforeSave(Request $request, $post)

On Model Controllers

  • beforeIndex - executed before retrieving the list of models.
  • afterIndex - executed after retrieveing the list of models, but before building response.
  • beforeShow - executed before retrieving a model.
  • afterShow - executed after retrieving a model, but before building response.
  • beforeStore - executed before creating a new model instance and filling out attributes.
  • afterStore - executed after storing a model, but before building response.
  • beforeUpdate - executed before retrieving a model and filling out attributes.
  • afterUpdate - executed after updating a model, but before building response.
  • beforeSave - executed before model is saved, but after beforeStore and beforeUpdate.
  • afterSave - executed after model is saved, but before afterStore and afterUpdate.
  • beforeDestroy - executed before retrieving a model and deleting it.
  • afterDestroy - executed after deleting a model, but before building response.
  • beforeRestore - executed before retrieving a model and restoring it.
  • afterRestore - executed after restoring a model, but before building response.

Batch hooks:

  • beforeBatchStore - executed before creating new models.
  • afterBatchStore - executed after storing new models, but before building response.
  • beforeBatchUpdate - executed before retrieving models for updating.
  • afterBatchUpdate - executed after updating the models, but before building response.
  • beforeBatchDestroy - executed before retrieving models for deleting.
  • afterBatchDestroy - executed after deleting the models, but before building response.
  • beforeBatchRestore - executed before retrieving models for restoring.
  • afterBatchRestore - executed after restoring the models, but before building response.
Related "before" and "after" hooks (e.g. beforeStore, afterStore) as well as beforeSave and afterSave are also executed for each model in batch operations.

On Relationship Controllers

All types: relation controllers have before and after hooks for CRUD operations - same as model controllers.


  • beforeAssociate - executed after retrieving both models, but before associating a child model.
  • afterAssociate - executed after saving a relation model with associated child model id, but before building response.
  • beforeDissociate - executed after retrieving both models, but before dissociating a child model.
  • afterDissociate - executed after saving a relation model with associated child model id, but before building response.


  • beforeSync - executed before retrieving a relation model.
  • afterSync - executed after syncing related models, but before building response.
  • beforeToggle - executed before retrieving a relation model.
  • afterToggle - executed after toggling related models, but before building response.
  • beforeAttach - executed before retrieving a relation model.
  • afterAttach - executed after attaching related model(s) to a relation model, but before building response.
  • beforeDetach - executed before retrieving a relation model.
  • afterDetach - executed after detaching related model(s) from a relation model, but before building response.
  • beforeUpdatePivot - executed before retrieving a relation model.
  • afterUpdatePivot - executed after updating pivot of related model, but before building response.

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