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TypeScript SDK


Welcome to Orion for Laravel TypeScript SDK 1.x documentation.

How It Works

Define a model with typed attributes, set resource name, configure API url, and that's it - everything is ready to work with the API ✨

import {Orion} from "@tailflow/laravel-orion/lib/orion";
import {Model} from "@tailflow/laravel-orion/lib/model";


export class Post extends Model<{
    title: string,
    body: string
    public $resource(): string {
        return 'posts';

// retrieve a list of posts
const posts = await Post.$query().get();

// search for posts
const posts = await Post.$query().lookFor('some value').search();

// create a post
const newPost = await Post.$query().store({
    title: 'New post' // <-- you get a nice autocompletion here, because the attributes are typed 
console.log(newPost.$attributes.title);  // <-- oh, and here as well

// retrieve a post
const post = await Post.$query().find(5);

// update a post
post.$attributes.title = 'Updated post';
await post.$save();
// or
await post.$save({title: 'Updated post'}); // <-- and here
// or
const updatedPost = await Post.$query().update(5, {
    title: 'Updated title' // <-- and, of course, here

// delete a post
const deletedPost = await Post.$query().delete(5);
// or
await post.$destroy();

// and more: search, relantionship operations, etc.


Ready to dive deeper? Head to the Getting Started section and start building.

Copyright © 2019-2024 Aleksei Zarubin