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Batch Operations

Learn how to manage entities in batches.

The following batch operations are supported for both models and relations: store, update, destroy and restore.

Batch Store

The endpoint expects an object in request payload with resources array, where each item is an object representing a resource (e.g. a post) to create.

// (POST)
    "resources" : [
            "title" : "My Post 1",
            "body" : "Example body text"
            "title" : "My Post 2",
            "body" : "Example body text"

Batch Update

The endpoint expects an object in request payload with resources object, where each key is a resource id and item is an object representing a resource (e.g. a post) to update.

// (PATCH)
    "resources" : {
        "5" : {
            "title" : "My Post 1 (updated)",
            "body" : "Example updated body text"
        "6": {
            "title" : "My Post 2",
            "body" : "Example body text"

Batch Delete

The endpoint expects an object in request payload with resources array, where each item is an id of resource (e.g. a post) to delete.

    "resources" : [5,6]

Batch Restore

The endpoint expects an object in request payload with resources array, where each item is an id of resource (e.g. a post) to restore.

// (POST)
    "resources" : [5,6]

Disabling Batch Operations

Batch operations are enabled by default on all resources. If you would like to disable specific endpoints, you can use Laravel's except method:

Orion::resource('posts', PostsController::class)->except(['batchStore', 'batchUpdate']);

To disable all batch operations on a resource, you can use withoutBatch method:

Orion::resource('posts', PostsController::class)->withoutBatch();

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