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TypeScript SDK


Learn how to work with model relationship resources.

Defining relationships is similar to the way of defining model attributes, however, there are some differences. Let's take a look at the example below.


// post.ts

import {Model} from "@tailflow/laravel-orion/lib/model";
import {BelongsTo} from "@tailflow/laravel-orion/lib/drivers/default/relations/belongsTo";
import {HasMany} from "@tailflow/laravel-orion/lib/drivers/default/relations/hasMany";
import {User} from "./user";
import {Comment} from "./comment";

export class Post extends Model<{
    title: string,
    body: string
}, {
    thumbnail_url: string
}, {
    user: User,
    comments: Array<Comment>
}> {
    public user(): BelongsTo<User> {
        return new BelongsTo(User, this);

    public comments(): HasMany<Comment> {
        return new HasMany(Comment, this);
  1. Provide a third generic parameter in the model definition with a list of relations and their model types.
  2. Create a method for each property (relation) and return a new instance of relation query builder specific to the relation type and model.

TypeScript SDK supports all relationship types ✨

Many to Many

When defining a many-to-many relationship, you can optionally provide a pivot model type, if the pivot table has additional fields.

// post.ts

import {Model} from "@tailflow/laravel-orion/lib/model";
import {BelongsToMany} from "@tailflow/laravel-orion/lib/drivers/default/relations/belongsToMany";
import {Tag} from "./tag";

export class Post extends Model<{
   title: string,
   body: string
}, {
   thumbnail_url: string
}, {
   tags: Array<Tag>,
}> {
   public tags(): BelongsToMany<Tag, {
       pivot_field: string
   }> {
      return new BelongsToMany(Tag, this);

Performing CRUD and search operations on relation resources is basically the same as on the model resources.

To obtain a query builder instance specific to relation resource, simply call the relation method on a model instance.

const post = Post.$query().find(5);

const comments = post.comments().get(); // retrieves a list of comments for post with id 5
const newComment = post.comments().store({body: 'Test comment'});
// etc.

One to Many

Associating Resources

const post = Post.$query().find(5);


Dissociating Resources

const post = Post.$query().find(5);


Many to Many

Attaching Resources

const post = Post.$query().find(5);

post.tags().attach([2, 5, 7]);
// or
    2: {pivot_field: 'test value'},
    5: {pivot_field: 'another value'},
    7: {}

Attaching with duplicates

By default, the duplicates query parameter is set to false, but you can instruct the SDK to set it to true by providing the second argument to the attach or attachWithFields method.

const post = Post.$query().find(5);

post.tags().attach([2, 5, 7], true);

Detaching Resources

const post = Post.$query().find(5);

post.tags().detach([2, 5, 7]);
// or
    2: {pivot_field: 'test value'},
    5: {pivot_field: 'another value'},
    7: {}

Syncing Resources

const post = Post.$query().find(5);

post.tags().sync([2, 5, 7]);
// or
    2: {pivot_field: 'test value'},
    5: {pivot_field: 'another value'},
    7: {}

Syncing without detaching

By default, the detaching query parameter is set to true, but you can instruct the SDK to set it to false by providing the second argument to the sync or syncWithFields method.

const post = Post.$query().find(5);

post.tags().sync([2, 5, 7], false);

Toggling Resources

const post = Post.$query().find(5);

post.tags().toggle([2, 5, 7]);
// or
    2: {pivot_field: 'test value'},
    5: {pivot_field: 'another value'},
    7: {}

Updating Pivot

const post = Post.$query().find(5);

post.tags().updatePivot(2, {pivot_field: 'test value'});
post.tags().updatePivot(5, {pivot_field: 'test value'});
post.tags().updatePivot(7, {pivot_field: 'test value'});

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