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Query Parameters

Learn what query parameters are available and how to utilize them.

Orion allows consumers of your API to use query parameters for interaction with soft deletable resources, including other related resources (defined as relations on a particular model) together in response, aggregating relations and/or fields, and specifying how many resources to return in response (pagination limit).

Soft Deletes

Returning Trashed Resources

The with_trashed query parameter allows you to return all resources, even the deleted ones.

The only_trashed query parameters instructs the API to return only soft deleted resources.

These parameters are accepted on index, search, and show endpoints of both standard and relation resources.


Force Deleting

The last, but not least, force query parameter allows you to permanently delete a resource. The parameter is accepted on the destroy endpoint of both standard and relation resources.


Pagination Limit

By default, 15 entities are returned per page from the index or search endpoints. To customize that, use limit method:


namespace App\Http\Controllers\Api;

use Orion\Http\Controllers\Controller;

class PostsController extends Controller

    * Default pagination limit.
    * @return int
    public function limit() : int
        return 20;


To instruct the API to return a specific number of entities per page, url needs to contain limit query parameter.

Value specified in the limit query parameter always overwrites the value specified in the limit method on a controller, but it can never exceed the value specified in the maxLimit method.

Max Pagination Limit

By default, there is no limit on how many entities could be requested from API. To customize that, use maxLimit method:


namespace App\Http\Controllers\Api;

use Orion\Http\Controllers\Controller;

class PostsController extends Controller

    * Max pagination limit.
    * @return int
    public function maxLimit() : int
        return 100;



First, relations and fields used for aggregation need to be whitelisted.

To instruct the API to return aggregates, url needs to contain a specific query parameter with a comma separated list of relations or fields.


Including Relations

First, relations need to be whitelisted.

To instruct the API to return relations, url needs to contain include query parameter with a comma separated list of relations.


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