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TypeScript SDK

Getting Started

Take the first steps to start using Orion TypeScript SDK.


Orion can be installed into a new or existing project, simply by adding a dependency:

Using NPM

npm install @tailflow/laravel-orion --save

Using Yarn

yarn add @tailflow/laravel-orion


Once the package is installed, the next step is configure (or initialize) it to work with your API.

import {Orion} from "@tailflow/laravel-orion/lib/orion";


That's it! Now let's move on to the model setup.

Setting up a Model

Let's create our first model and query the API. Pick any model that you have in your Laravel API - I will go with Post model, just as an example.

Add a class Post in your TypeScript app and extend it from Model.

// post.ts

import {Model} from "@tailflow/laravel-orion/lib/model";

export class Post extends Model {


Next, define attributes of the model and its resource name

// post.ts

import {Model} from "@tailflow/laravel-orion/lib/model";

export class Post extends Model<{
    title: string,
    body: string
}> {
    public $resource(): string {
        return 'posts';
You do not need to define the id, created_at, and updated_at attributes - SDK does that for you automatically. You can, however, override them.

Congratulations, you have successfully set up the model, and everything is ready to query the API 🎉

Querying the API

Orion TypeScript SDK makes it incredibly easy to consume your API.

If you are using Sanctum, CSRF protection needs to be initialized, before you can query the API. Learn how to accomplish that here.
// somewhere in your app

import {Post} from '../post.ts';

// retrieve a list of posts
const posts = await Post.$query().get();

// search for posts
const posts = await Post.$query().lookFor('some value').search();

// create a post
const newPost = await Post.$query().store({
    title: 'New post' // <-- you get a nice autocompletion here, because the attributes are typed 
console.log(newPost.$attributes.title);  // <-- oh, and here as well

// retrieve a post
const post = await Post.$query().find(5);

// update a post
post.$attributes.title = 'Updated post';
await post.$save();
// or
await post.$save({title: 'Updated post'}); // <-- and here
// or
const updatedPost = await Post.$query().update(5, {
    title: 'Updated title' // <-- and, of course, here

// delete a post
const deletedPost = await Post.$query().delete(5);
// or
await post.$destroy();

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